Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How to search faster on Windows 10..

Hi all, 😀
Microsoft Windows has a very good file searching tool inbuilt. It really works great on windows 7. But after that like on windows 8.1 or windows 10 its just pathetic 😖, specially after latest update on Windows 10 version 1909 (up to on this date while I am writing this article).

Well if you have to deal with lots of search during a day on Microsoft Windows 10  and tired with slow search or no search 😂   errors then there is a very good solution for it below,

There is a very tiny software called "Everything" available to download for free. 

You can download it from the link below,

The software is just 1.52 mb in size but make your searching experience very pleasant.( Trust me 😇).

It looks like the image below,

You can just start searching an item form the search box straight. User can also modify or select which file format he want to search by going to search menu and selecting file type shown in a image below,

You can also customize your search criteria by selecting specific folder from the Tools menu as under, First select Tools > Options

Select Folders option from left panel shown below,

Here you can add as many folder you want to make it search. You can also able to add a network folder or Mapped network drive here. (As I've added for example).

This will give you lots of search data. But you can also control search location by going to NTFS option in left panel as shown below,

Just select the drive you want to exclude from search and uncheck "Include in database" option. Click on apply and ok button and you are good to go 😃. 

And the search results will display as under,

It is blazing fast search experience on Everything app. 

Hope it will definitely help you people..😇



inscriptor said...

Does it create its own search index? Or uses the already existing one?

Hardip Gajjar said...

It creates its own, And its very fast :)